Since I have some extra time (just 15 minutes), and since the 11th speech contest is getting closer, I will write about my attended previous speech contests.
Since I have started learning Japanese language I have attended 3 speech contests, and every year the participants become better in Japanese, the competition becomes stronger, the contest becomes more interesting, and my self-confidence to participate becomes smaller!
I like to share with you some of my memories about the 8th, 9th, and 10th speech contests.
Let’s start with the 8th : My first attended Japanese event!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
「皆さん、おはようございます! お元気ですか。」
「はい、元気です。ありがとう!みなさん、Information が あります! There will be a Japanese speech contest (The 8th) next Saturday, at 10 o’clock. The place is in Mohammad Ali Bdeir Auditorium. Please come ^_^ 」
Like this was the beginning of our Japanese lecture in 9th of March, 2004. With k-sensei, in 003-tarbia class room.
“Japanese Speech Contest?! Wow! I will go, no I must go, I want to practice my Japanese listening skills! Hmmmmm!! (Evil smile!)”
And it was Saturday morning,
Father: Why are you getting dressed? Are you going somewhere?
Me: Oh yes, I want to go to the University.
Father: But today is Saturday. You don’t have lectures, do you?
Me: no I don’t have lectures, but there is a Japanese speech contest I want to attend.^^
Father: ehhh, Japanese Japanese, I wonder from where you came with this idea. Ok, I will pick you with me there, I’m going out also.
(And outside, it was raining.)
Father: you still want to go? It’s raining. Better for you to stay at home.
Me: no no, it’s ok. It’s not very cold!
Father: eh, as you want.
And I went to the place.
My dear teacher k-sensei was standing at the door of the auditorium, and when she saw me :
「ああ!ハスナーさん!おはようございます!Thanks for coming, hope you will enjoy」
(My only known expressions)
And I entered the Auditorium, to see a huge number of people! A huge number of Japanese people!!
The participants were very busy; they were arranging their papers and practicing on reading. Some were talking to each other. Some Japanese people were talking to each other too.
Japanese Talking! It’s my chance to test my Japanese skills!
So I started to eavesdrop! I know it was bad manner, but it was not that bad because I didn’t understand a word!! :{
So I moved away to take a seat. I looked around and finally I choose a seat beside the door, because I found my self alone, no one I know was there.
Then, beside me, a girl has sat. She seemed not to be from the participants. We had the following dialogue:
Me: H.. Hi! Will you participate?
She: Hi! No I will not, but my friend is a participant. You?
Me: n.. no, but I’m studying Japanese now. As a free subject.
She: I see.
Me: …………….
She: ……………….
Me: ………………
She: There she is. My friend “Ala’a”. Do you know her? She’s also studying Japanese now; she has finished level 2 and studying now in a Japanese center in Sweifeih. Ok, see you later.
Me: ok, bye.
Me to Myself: “A Japanese center? Hmmm.
A Japanese center! A traditional Japanese house! The teachers wear kimono! The students sit on tatami and learn Japanese using the brushes, just like in ikkyuusan anime. We take off our shoes when we enter the center. Sakura trees around the center…That’s wonderful. Amazing!! “
Like this I imagined JICA when I first heard about it. And you can imagine how disappointed I was, when I went there :(
And suddenly, while I was imagining, The Jordanian anthem!! Every one has stood up! Oh I must stand up too!
Ok, now the Japanese anthem.
Then the speeches started, speeches of the ambassador, the university president and another person.
Then a break time. I didn’t know what to do, so I stayed in my seat.
“If my friend came with me, it would be better. I tilled her, but she said she is busy. Of course, it is not French language, if it was French she would come. Any way… I must find something to do, other than watching others, and putting a leg over a leg
--> for pushing some confidence to my self”
The break time is over, now the haiku session.
“haiku? Nan desu ka? Wakarimasen :’(“
The first participant! Ok, another chance to test my Japanese!
Open your ears well, and be ready!
And ….no! Another disappointing point, the haiku session was in English. :s
Listen and listen and listen and listen and zzzzzzzz. Oh, I almost slept.
Another break!! But I will not leave! (My mother always says that I’m stubborn! Am I?)
I must find something to do.
I read the contest schedule 100 times. But, I didn’t notice that there was a 100 magazines in front of me.
Nipponia! Nipponia ! can you see me? Can you hear me SOS!
I left my seat quietly to pick one magazine and return quickly to my seat! And for my fortune, it was in Arabic!
“it’s ok, no need for Japanese this time, I will try Arabic” So humble! ;$ I kept reading it until the speech session has started.
THE SPEECH SESSION! It’s my final chance to be proud of my Japanese!
The students started to read, and read and I started to feel asleep again.
Return to read nipponia again.
Then, another break, in this break, I realized something!
That was:
I’m doing nothing here, there is no mean to stay more, so, I must leave!!
After all, I left the Auditorium and the university without understanding a word,
Also I had no idea that I will participate in the next speech contest. The ninth. (>>next post^^)
But, in fact and to be honest, this speech contest (the 8th) was useful to me;
1) I realized many things; studying a language for one month does not mean that you understand that language.
2) I knew that there are many Japanese people in Jordan other than k-sensei.
3) I knew that there is a Japanese center, where I can go to continue studying Japanese.
4) I knew that there are many students who have interests in Japan other than me.
5) And, I got my first edition of “nipponia”. My life saver!!
Dewa, hope you didn’t become bored from my post:? Did you?