I have always enjoyed the texts introduced in Japanese language books that I have studied, I like the new ideas they introduce, the way of writing and organizing the paragraphs, the proofs and the examples they use. I feel that I got use from every lesson. That is except today's lesson, which was talking about "Shinka", or "Evolution".

Ape-man → Homo erectus → Paleoanthropic → New Man → Modern Man ??!*
Holy Quran is enough for me for not believing such a theory.
Also, until now there is no scientific proof for it.
Please watch this video, or visit this website for more information.
* What shall come next? → Robo-Man ?!
Is this from New Approach volume 2?
Anyway, I don't think we should make fun of evolution theory. Someone can come and reply by making fun of the Qur'an all the same, right?
We can refute it scientifically, like Harun Yahya, but not make fun of it.
To quote the Qur'an:
ٱدْعُ إِلَىٰ سَبِيلِ رَبِّكَ بِٱلْحِكْمَةِ وَٱلْمَوْعِظَةِ ٱلْحَسَنَةِ وَجَٰدِلْهُم بِٱلَّتِي هِيَ أَحْسَنُ إِنَّ رَبَّكَ هُوَ أَعْلَمُ بِمَن ضَلَّ عَن سَبِيلِهِ وَهُوَ أَعْلَمُ بِٱلْمُهْتَدِينَ
Saemon san, thanks for your comment.
I didn't mean to make fun of it, I apologize for that. But the whole idea seems not logical and until now there is no real scientific proof for it.
Also I think it is a religious issue, and it shouldn't have been put in a universal text book,(New approach volume 2).
I will try to watch out my words.
It does have bearing on religion but many people consider it to be strictly a scientific issue.
Evolution theory is part of school curriculum in many countries.
I totally agree with Samer san that it is not our right to make fun of evolution. Just like we do not like our view and belief of the creation of man and the world to be mocked.
I feel that Momiji san has put up a very good point in the need for better text books for Japanese language students that avoid such controversial content. Although i do believe that such controversial content should not be completely excluded as it approaches the realm of over protectiveness and even unnecessary censorship. How can I argue against something I don't agree with if I do not know all the facts.
The best thing is to have both sides propsed in textbooks geared to a wider audience.
I'm not totally against including controversial in text books.
As T-sensei said, like these contents let us know how people thinks and approaches the censorship, and let us discover more about foreign cultures without traveling.
But when introducing such contents, i think it should be written in a way that doesn't cause bad reactions.
In the text i'm talking about, there was a sentence that made me flare, so i wrote this post.
I apologize again, making fun of others' thoughts is not of my rights, but i think discussing with them these thoughts is one of my duties.
Will.. I'm not sure that I understood the meaning of "not making fun" of others thoughts; I know that it's wrong to insult the disbelievers in their faces; because we don't want them to do the same thing (even though they will stay make fun of us); but when Allah or Muhammad (PBUH) tell us to believe in something then it's not like we have the right to discuss our believes & putting it in the SAME LEVEL with others believes, what Quran says is the FACT & REALITY.. it's not "our" opinion & there are other people who have "their" opinions.
Yes Allah told us to wisely discuss with disbelievers, polytheists & atheist; but it doesn't mean that I have to "respect" what disagrees with Quran, on the contrary.. I have to do my best to destroy such thoughts & to make every effort to prove that they are wrong.
When Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) sent his Companions to teach people Islam; he didn't tell them : "respect others believes & let your children learn them".
It's right that I can't argue against something if I don't know it, but this doesn't necessary mean that it's right to include the disbelievers thought as a theories in our textbooks, I remember when I was in high school they taught us about the revolution; the students were just arguing without reaching any result (even it's very clear), and some of them were convinced that the revolution is true and one day we were monkeys!!! imagine that!!! IS THIS WHAT ALLAH WANTS US TO DO?
Islam orders should be obeyed without even arguing about them, they are not arguable thoughts between Muslims themselves, anybody who wants to reply on such ideas can go & study them alone without bringing them to students.
Sorry for the long comment, I'm sure that everybody already know what I've just said; but I just wanted to remind ^^
وَذَكِّرْ فَإِنَّ الذِّكْرَى تَنفَعُ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ
الذاريات 56
Bilal san, thanks for your comments.
I did delete what considered to be 'making fun'. Maybe, I was overwhelmed.
Yes, we believe every word in Quran and we have to obey orders without arguing. We have also to argue others about their thoughts to proof that it is not correct.
I feel sorry that this theory is being taught in our schools.
No body says that we have to "respect" the content of others thoughts and ideas if we believe that they are unture, we have to respect that they have the right to have their own ideas (at their own responsibilty) while making clear that we believe that this is not what we believe in. This is what I personally meant by not making fun of other's ideas.
And if you want to fight against any or belief that you find to be untrue, you have to know what that idea or conecpt means or intails, knowing is half the effort. "Knowing" does not mean "believeing" in any way.
Hay All
This is a nice conversation where I have nothing to add more than tis: We the ones who were born muslims and have known the truth through there flawless (still scientifcally proved) Holy Quran are not supposed to ONLY respect the beliefs of others. We have a mession of conveying what we believe in to others so everyone can share the bless of "TRUTH" , after we tell others about our religion and its point of view on evloution and every other issue we can relax and let them decide and then respect their decision.
Obviously everyone who passed on this blog speaks very good japanese .. how many times did we take the time to talk to a japanese friend about islam although we know (According to our belief) that if this friend dies as non-muslim then he would never go to heaven? I really wonder if we truly love our friends , and if we put respect to their beliefs infront of our priorty of rescuing them.
Am saying this to my own self before you , God will ask me on the day of judgement and so will my friends who trusted me .. what shall I answer by then ?
Please be advised to this link
its a book of Harun Yahia about evolution in arabic and its available in 10 other languages Japanese is NOT one of them. Anyone?
arigatou Gozaimasu
EvaLuna, thanks for commenting.
As we say in arabic,"You put your hand on the part that hurt"...
Every time I think that I feel that i want to cry, especially in the farewell parties or when it is the time to say goodbye to my teachers,,
"Is this really the last time i will see them?"
Yes, it is our responsibility as a Japanese language students to convey what we believe to others,
but you know something, when i talk to Japanese people about Islam i can see that they know about it, they have read many books about Islam before coming to Jordan. And also i feel that they were told before coming "people there will keep telling you about Islam, and they want you to be Muslims, so be aware of that",,, that what i feel.
So as T-sensei said, they have the right to have their own thoughts, at their own responsibility, we can't force any one to believe in what we believe. (لا إِكْراهَ في الدّين)
About translating Harun Yahya's books and videos, that what me and my friend are trying to do for 2 years! but until now, our level in Japanese doesn't allow us to do it. I am struggling to do that.
i think all of you are right, but everybody talking about his point of view so.. i think everybody want to say we have responsibility to tell Japanese people about islam and tell them the truth because we love them and we want to see them in the last day and enter paradise together but at the same time we must respect other people and their thinking and knows about their ideas ,
but really let me be onus (when u read about some religions or some theories like this theory u will make fun but (in your self ) ,
finally i wish that all Japanese students remember just one thing (we are studying Japanese not because we love ( manga or anime or drama just ) but because we have big responsibility which tell Japanese people about truth islam using their language
I appreciate everybody's sincerity here, but I think things don't work this way.
If you want people to believe in you and adopt your beliefs, they has to think highly of you, and let's face it: in general, the world doesn't think highly of the Muslim world.
Really, at this time, we can do much better than just talk Japanese or any other non-Muslim into our beliefs. For example, we can work on ourselves, start with our families, relatives, neighbors, and friends.
Look at Indonesia for example, a whole race, a country that became Muslim because they looked up to the Muslim merchants of that time. Can you do this? Can you make people look up to you because of your manners and conduct? What about most Muslim merchants now? In any Arab country's souq? What do you think of them?
We really need to start with ourselves before anything.
Saemon this is a great point, and I wish you can come and see us in University of Jordan as we get to know the international students and mix with them .. some of them said this clearly: "We came here to know more about how to control your countries more , and we go back feeling how nice and helpful people you are" (Aan american jew once said that) ... Am really proud of this experience in which students from my university feel the responsibility and stand perfectly for our beliefs.
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