I found the number, it was about 700, and went to the specific roof, and started searching for the specific book.
While my eyes was going up and down, left and right between the books. I read many names, and themes. Music, different sports, arts, Anime, songs,... "But, wait a minute, Did I read "A N I M E" right now! "
I returned my eyes to make sure. Oh I can't believe it! It's Anime! Oh I can read it "A-N-I-M-E", and before I stretsh my hand to get the book, I thought " Maybe, it's not the Anime which I know, may be it's a abbreviation for "Archologist Neutural Integrated Medical Enhancment" , or something like that. Finally I hold myself and I hold the book, and read the title:
IT IS AN ANIME BOOK! shinjirarenai, and it's not old, it's new! totally new! It seems that no one has read it before! Ofcourse, who will think that there is just a book in the library!
Ok, now, I need to reorder my ideas. I'm in the library of the university of jordan, and I'm holding a book of Anime! Japanese Anime! I hold my self and set on a table near me. And started to read, it took me about an hour to finish the first chapter of the book, I never set to read a book for a complete hour without rest, even my study books. This book is about every thing about anime, it's is analytical approach about anime, it analyse the way of drawing, the way of talking, the characters, the good points and the bad ones, and every thing we always think about anime. And guess what! the writer of the book is An american university professor! She is recognized expert on anime! And she wrote in the book that Anime is not just for "children" like what most of Adults think.
The book is about 350 pages, it has some pictures too. But when you read it, you will understand the "anime culture" more. I will show the book to every one who I meet, so they will know that anime is an important thing and not just "a game for children"!
The book is about 350 pages, it has some pictures too. But when you read it, you will understand the "anime culture" more. I will show the book to every one who I meet, so they will know that anime is an important thing and not just "a game for children"!
I think I wil start to like the library from now on!!
Leave you with some pics!
yesterday, I returned home late!! I was in the library all the time, kaetta ato de, haha ni shikararemashita! :'( (demo, anime no tame desu kara daijoubu desu ne! -_^)