Sunday, November 25, 2007

Why "a" ... Why "momiji".... Why "trip"?

Ok, lets start with "momiji", momiji means maple in english, "qaiqab" "قيقب"in Arabic . I choose this name because I like Autumn, I like red leaves. you know that in japan there is a time for watching "momiji" like that there is a time for watching "sakura" .
I think "sakura" represent the beginning of the life , in arabic wa say "he is in his life spring" "إنه في ربيع عمره" it means he still young. On the other hand, "momiji" represents the before-end of life. I don't like to be philosopher nor pessimist, but "tsumari" I like momiji.

Why trip? from the beginning of 4 gatsu untill 12 gatsu , the tree leaf pass by a long trip changing it's color and making people happy when they watch it. Every one, is like "a" leaf of tree (>> answer for why "a"?) so every one should be nice to every one and to keep smiling to make himself and surrounding people happy :)

So, just smile, and be nice, and even if you trip has finished, the people will still remeber you.

keep smile :)


Amani AbuQdais أماني أبوقديس said...

everyone is A leaf because each one is special in his own way, and there will come time when this leaf falls regardless of other leaves.
^^ nice one . nihongo wo doko de benkyoushimasu ka?

momiji said...

yoku wakarimashita ne, kanji_chan!:)
ima watashi wa mai sensei to nihongo wo benkyoushite imasu.
mata aimashou ne!

Saemon 左衛門 said...

sugoi, H-san mo nihongo no sensei o mitsuketa rashii desu.

watashi mo sensei o mitsukemashita. shikashi, sensei to yondeimasen. ima, kanojo ni arabiago o oshieteimasu kara.

dono kyoukasho de nihongo wo benkyou shiteimasuka.

momiji said...

watashi mo mai sensei ni sukoshi dake arabiago wo oshiete imasu /^^
ima "yuunagi no machi" to iu manga wo yonde imasuga, ato de "nihongo new approach chijou(?)" no hon wo benkyousuru yotei desu, saemon san wa kotoshi no 2kyuu nouryoku shiken ni derun desu ka?

Saemon 左衛門 said...

iie, kotoshi wa dekimasen. seikatsu ya shigoto nado de taihen isogashii no de, shinpo wa osoi desu. tabun rainen kamo shiremasen.

chijou tte nan desuka. new approach no chuujou desuka? Volume 2 desu ka?
Sugoi, watashi wa mada volume 1 o benkyou shiteimasu.

Anonymous said...

خريفنا وخريف أشجارنا خطان متوازيان التقيا للحظة من عادتها أن تسرق من أعمارنا فرصة، هناك حيث تضحي كل مسلمات البشر خرافة ويزداد يقيننا بوجود الله وعظمته حيث يتوقف كل منهما لا ليتبادل مع الآخر القبل بل ليشهد لحظة التضحية الكبرى تلك حيث خسرت الأشجار شموخها وأنفتها ورونقها وبدلت ذاك الرداء المثير للدهشة والإغراء
ومنحتك أوراقها لتبثي بها الروح ثانية وتسقيها من عنفوان حبك المخلص للغة اخترت أنت أن تكون لغة قلبك وأن تكون طريقنا إليك لنشهد على اجتهادك وإبداعك فإلى الأمام

momiji said...

Autumn's fan san, or should i say D-chan, comment wo doumo arigatou!
your arabic is really great!! fantastic!! Amazing!! I can't describe your talent by words!
Ganbatte kudasai **