Monday, December 31, 2007

Kanji trip, starting with the typical way, and ending with….?!

“3 years since I have started learning Japanese, and still learning the characters! How shame!”
Like this my friends think when I tell them that, but if they know which characters I’m learning I think they will appreciate my hard work!

Kanji! The Chinese characters, I never thought that I will be stuck in them like this!

After finishing the easy hiragana and katakana (as I see them now) I should move to the third part of the Japanese characters, The Kanji. The first characters were very easy and nice 山, 川, 田, 日, 月, 火, 水, 木, 金 (but actually this was a hard one for me, since I hadn’t met 疑 yet!).
At that time I realized that I have started the trip and I must finish it, but now I’m realizing that finishing it is not that easy!

I have used many ways to pass my way through kanji, first of all was the website (S-chan, doumo arigatou!) This site was providing me with one kanji a day, and that was easy, I was printing a page everyday and study that kanji. I finished the first 100 kanji easily! (Not very easy! 後and 時 were making some troubles with me!!).

After finishing this, the website is no more providing me the kanji. So I searched for another website and I found the flash cards! They were nice but since I don’t like to study in front of the screen of computer, I like to write, to have papers scattered around me, pencils, eraser, pens. I tried to use the idea of making cards, so I made paper-made-of cards, and I paste them on the wall of my room. Of course, this way was not liked by my mother nor by my imouto Huda. Because my room became like a newspaper. Also this way didn’t make its effect of memorizing. So what i have done? Basically :“yamemashita”.

After a while I was introduced to the “kanji power” (K no A san, doumo arigatou!), it is very nice application but I faced the same problem, not-like to study in front of a screen. Also this application was having just 555 kanji.

So I just used the books provided to me by Japanese teachers (K-sensei S-sensei N-sensei, doumo arigatou!). In the first 500 kanji it worked well. But after preceding I start to face some problems; very complicated kanji, very similar to each other kanji, have many many readings kanji…. So I stopped for a while, actually I felt disappointed! I believed that for memorizing all these characters I need a computer mind. Computer mind?! ‘~_’~ Why I don’t try to make my mind like a computer? Yes, I need to “Organize” and “Design” my computer, I mean my mind! ( Dr. G.A. doumo arigatou!)

So, how about pipelining? 5-stages pipelining will be a good idea! I start by making a pipeline table:

And like this, it worked well until I found some hazards!
Data hazards were found! For example, I must memorize the kanji” 冬“before “終“.
Structural hazards also found! I couldn’t memorize 5 kanji in a day, my memory was very busy! (機、建、夏、張、疑)all in one day?! “musta7eel!!”
Control hazards also! Sometimes I had to jump to some group before another because it has some related kanji with what I have studied in the previous group. Like (勉) and (強).

I tried to solve these hazards:

For data hazards, I added a forwarding unit, and sometimes I needed to stall (flush cycles).

For structural hazard I decided to embed another memory in my head, (how?!)Of course it was just an inapplicable idea so I used stalling cycles (days).

I solved control hazards by jumps & flushing.

All these ways took a long time, so the throughput was not as I wish! So I decided to search for another way!
How about loop unrolling? Oh no, there are no loops here. Predictors! But kanji shapes are really unpredictable! Speculative execution? I’m sorry Tomasulo-hakase but your approach is more complicated than the kanji shape itself!
Multithreading? Multiprocessing? Caches?
Yes, maybe caches! But how? This needs me to hold the dictionary all the time, or to use Rikaichan tool always (k-chan doumo arigatou!).

And this also is inapplicable! Of course I can’t enter the nouryoku shiken with a dictionary in my hand!

Oh! I can’t find any way!! I’m really stuck!! really really!

この“Kanji trip” を終えたいなー!! :(

Sunday, December 9, 2007

"The big tree"

Since we are talking about momiji , leaves, trees, big trees...... I will introduce you a translated japanese story called"The big tree" it's for children, but I like it . The writer called "yokota kiyoshi".


ا الشجرة الكبيرة

كان هنالك شجرة كبيرة كبيرة. في داخل تلك الشجرة كان هناك فتحة كبيرة.

في يوم حار ، شمسه قوية ، جاء أرنب صغير يقفز ويركض. ولأنه ركض بنشاط كبير، أصبح أرنوب منهكا.
"أه، في الوقت المناسب. سأرتاح هنا"

وثب أرنوب ودخل الفتحة في الشجرة.
داخل الشجرة كان ساكنا وهادئا، شعر أرنوب بالراحة.
وبسرعة غط في نوم عميق.
رأى أرنوب حلما، رأى بالمنام أمه وهي تحتضنه.
استيقظ من نومه وعاد نشيطا.
"ترى هل أمي تبحث عني الآن؟"
ركض أرنوب بسرعة عائدا إلى أمه.

اليوم التالي كان ماطرا.
جاء الثعلب وهو يركض، وكان مبللا من رأسه حتى ذيله.
كان الثعلب قد تشاجر مع أصدقائه، فصار يكره الجميع.
هز الثعلب جسده المبتل وقفز بسرعة داخل الفتحة.
داخل الشجرة كان الجو دافئا، شعر الثعلب بالسكينة.
وبسرعة غط الثعلب في نوم عميق.
رأى الثعلب مناما. رأى في منامه أن علاقته حسنة مع الجميع وأنه يلعب معهم.
فتح الثعلب عينيه، فرأى أن المطر قد توقف.
أصبح الثعلب نشيطا ملئا بالحيوية.
"ترى ماذا يفعل الجميع الآن؟ ترى هل نسوني؟!"
أراد الثعلب أن يلعب مع الجميع فذهب راكضا بسرعة.

في اليوم التالي، أتى دب عجوز وهو يمشي مترنحا.
أيام شبابه، كان الجد هو الأقوى في الجبل.
كان يقوم بأي شيء يحتاج إلى القوة، ولكن الآن لا أحد يأتي طلبا لمساعدته.
أضحى الجد وحيدا ولم يعد بإمكانه فعل شيء.

استرخى الدب براحة.
داخل الشجرة كان هادئا، فشعر الدب بالطمأنينة، وغط بالنوم.
ثم رأى حلما، رأى في الحلم أنه يمرح مع الدببة الفتية.

فتح الدب عينيه وأضحى نشيطا مليئا بالحيوية،
"وجدتها! سأقوم بإرشاد الدببة الشابة"
نبع الماء الذي لا يجف مهما كان الجو حارا
طريقة معرفة مكان وجود ثمار الفطر
أدرك الجد أنه يوجد الكثير من الأشياء التي لا يعرفها غيره.

في اليوم التالي، جاء شاب مسافر ماشيا.
كان هناك شيء يبحث عنه الشاب.
"ما هو الشيء الذي أريد فعلا تحقيقه؟"
كان الشاب فارغ الصبر فكان يريد اكتشاف ذلك بسرعة.
رأى الشاب الشجرة الكبيرة فقال:
"يا لها من شجرة كبيرة! وفيها فجوة كبيرة أيضا! إنها تماما مثل شجرة جدي!"

ولأنه كان متعبا من رحلته الطويلة، غط بالنوم فورا.
ثم رأى حلما.
ظهرت في حلمه الشجرة الكبيرة وقالت له:
"أنا أيضا مررت بمرحلة كنت فيها صغيرة.
في ذلك الوقت كنت فارغة الصبر أريد أن أصبح كبيرة بسرعة.
ولكن أن تصبح كبيرا فهذا أمر صعب.
مع هبوب الرياح، كلما هبت أشعر بأني سوف أقتلع.
كلما هطل المطر أشعر بأني سأنجرف.
بعدها تنبهت للأمر. وأدركت أنني حتى أكون شجرة كبيرة فإنه علي أن أثبت جذوري بقوة "

"بعدها جاء الربيع وثم الصيف وشيئا فشيئا أصبحت كبيرة.
نبتت الكثير من الأزهار علي، والطيور كانوا دائما يأتون إلي. كنت منتعشة دائما.
كانت الطيور تخبرني بمختلف الأشياء التي كنت أجهلها. وبذلك كنت مليئة بالحيوية"

"إذا ثبت جذورك بقوة، ومددت أغصانك فإنك ستكون قادرا أن تثمر وتزهر الكثير، بالرغم من أن الجذور لا يراها أحد...
بهذا ينتهي حديثي.
وربما تكون هذه الثمار التي أنتجها هي الأخيرة. ولكني حقا كنت سعيدة. أيها الشاب الذي جاء وارتاح في جوفي في آخر فصل خريف لي، شكرا"

في صباح اليوم التالي، انحنى الشاب احتراما للشجرة الكبيرة وقال:
"أشكرك جزيلا أيتها الشجرة"
لم يعد الشاب فارغ الصبر.

جمع الشاب الثمار التي أسقطتها الشجرة وملأ بها جيبه ومشى بهدوء منصرفا.

عاد الشاب متدرجا في الطريق الذي جاء منه في الأمس. قرر العودة لبيته.
وفي طريق عودته، زرع الثمار التي في جيبه حبة حبة.

آخر بذرة زرعها نبتت في حديقة بيته.
" حتى أكون شجرة كبيرة فإنه علي أن أثبت جذوري بقوة"
ظل كلام الشجرة يتردد في مسامع الشاب.

**k-sensei doumo arigatou gozaimasu ne!*_*

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Anime Book! Library!! JU!!!

Yesterday I went to the library of the university to search for a book about baseball, you know the library is very huge and the books are very old. And the way they are arranged is really terrible, the roofs are very close to each other, when I stand between them I think that I'm in a grave!! . Anyway, we have to visit it sometimes. I went to one of the new computers to find the number of the book I want to search for. (really, the new computers are the only thing that I like in the library!).

I found the number, it was about 700, and went to the specific roof, and started searching for the specific book.

While my eyes was going up and down, left and right between the books. I read many names, and themes. Music, different sports, arts, Anime, songs,... "But, wait a minute, Did I read "A N I M E" right now! "

I returned my eyes to make sure. Oh I can't believe it! It's Anime! Oh I can read it "A-N-I-M-E", and before I stretsh my hand to get the book, I thought " Maybe, it's not the Anime which I know, may be it's a abbreviation for "Archologist Neutural Integrated Medical Enhancment" , or something like that. Finally I hold myself and I hold the book, and read the title:

IT IS AN ANIME BOOK! shinjirarenai, and it's not old, it's new! totally new! It seems that no one has read it before! Ofcourse, who will think that there is just a book in the library!

Ok, now, I need to reorder my ideas. I'm in the library of the university of jordan, and I'm holding a book of Anime! Japanese Anime! I hold my self and set on a table near me. And started to read, it took me about an hour to finish the first chapter of the book, I never set to read a book for a complete hour without rest, even my study books. This book is about every thing about anime, it's is analytical approach about anime, it analyse the way of drawing, the way of talking, the characters, the good points and the bad ones, and every thing we always think about anime. And guess what! the writer of the book is An american university professor! She is recognized expert on anime! And she wrote in the book that Anime is not just for "children" like what most of Adults think.
The book is about 350 pages, it has some pictures too. But when you read it, you will understand the "anime culture" more. I will show the book to every one who I meet, so they will know that anime is an important thing and not just "a game for children"!

I think I wil start to like the library from now on!!

Leave you with some pics!

yesterday, I returned home late!! I was in the library all the time, kaetta ato de, haha ni shikararemashita! :'( (demo, anime no tame desu kara daijoubu desu ne! -_^)

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Why "a" ... Why "momiji".... Why "trip"?

Ok, lets start with "momiji", momiji means maple in english, "qaiqab" "قيقب"in Arabic . I choose this name because I like Autumn, I like red leaves. you know that in japan there is a time for watching "momiji" like that there is a time for watching "sakura" .
I think "sakura" represent the beginning of the life , in arabic wa say "he is in his life spring" "إنه في ربيع عمره" it means he still young. On the other hand, "momiji" represents the before-end of life. I don't like to be philosopher nor pessimist, but "tsumari" I like momiji.

Why trip? from the beginning of 4 gatsu untill 12 gatsu , the tree leaf pass by a long trip changing it's color and making people happy when they watch it. Every one, is like "a" leaf of tree (>> answer for why "a"?) so every one should be nice to every one and to keep smiling to make himself and surrounding people happy :)

So, just smile, and be nice, and even if you trip has finished, the people will still remeber you.

keep smile :)

Monday, November 19, 2007

First of all...

Minasan konnichiwa!

This is my first post on this blog, hope you will like what I will post latear.
I made this blog to share with everyone what I have learnt in Japanese Language untill now.
I will post my trials in translation from Japanese to Arabic and vice versa.
I also wanna share with you some anime songs, pictures, clips... etc.
please keep watching my blog from while to while and I will wait for your comments!

Douzo Yoroshiku!!